About Edgewater Housing Authority
It is the mission of the Edgewater Housing Authority to provide affordable housing services for the low and moderate income residents of the Borough. The Housing Authority utilizes financial resources primarily provided by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development through the Public Housing Program and the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
To promote decent, safe, affordable housing, provide economic opportunity, and a suitable living environment free from discrimination.
PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY (PHA) 5-Year and Annual Plans
Please click HERE for the Edgewater Housing Authority's - Public Housing Agency (PHA) 5-Year Plan for 2015 - 2019, and Annual Plan for 2015.
Office Staff
Please dial 201-943-6000 to reach any of our staff members.
Joseph Capano, PHM
Executive Director
Lisa Frato
Housing Authority Coordinator
Vanessa Paradiso
Housing Programs Coordinator
Justine Romano
Executive Assistant to the Executive Director
Christine Lodato
Office Manager
Jessica Russo
Administrative Support
Michael Turek
Edgar Jurado
William Katchen, CPA
Fee Accountant
Frank J. Borin, Esq.
DeCotiis, FitzPatrick, Cole & Giblin, LLP
Dawn Hoinash
Dimitrios Nikolaidis
Vice Chairperson
James D'Anna
Margaret Taylor
Ann Carletta
Laura Seip
John Pilot
Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month unless they fall on a holiday. All meetings are held in the community room on the first floor at 300 Undercliff Avenue, Edgewater NJ 07020 at 7:00 P.M.